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3 Surprising Meta A/B Test Results in 2023

Traffic v Engagement

A campaign with the Traffic objective drove MORE post shares than a campaign with the Engagement objective.

We ran an A/B test to uncover any out of the ordinary KPI results when sharing a gift guide blog article on Meta. The results have made us re-think the role of Traffic campaigns on our funnel for this ecommerce client.

Instagram v Facebook

The Cost Per Thru Play was much higher on Instagram compared to Facebook, for our boutique homewares client.

We thought Instagram would have lower video costs in this A/B test, but Facebook achieved 375% more video views for the same cost. We wanted to understand if it was worth prioritising Facebook for this brand when it comes to cost-effective audience growth, and it was.

Authentic UGC v. Brand UGC

We wanted to test whether 'real' UGC performed better than content created by the brand, made to look like UGC - Reels, showcasing new products in a homemade and personable way. We expected the real UGC to win, interestingly the brand UGC won by a huge amount in terms of all metrics: clicks, costs, ThruPlays, shares, saves.. These results have shaped the strategy and budget for content creation v. investing in external influencers next year.

Happy testing!



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